Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yellowstone National Park 2006


This Place is a Disaster! said...

Mindi, Hooray - you did it! Now if you want to re do that top picture call me and I'll walk you through it if you can't figure it out!

Connie and Jimbob said...

Mindi, welcome to the world of blogging! It's pretty fun and I love keeping up on people I know and love. This will be fun!

Mateo said...

You rock, sis! Great looking blog. I will check it daily!

leesa said...

Helloooooooo! Mindi, I love the blog. Fun huh! make sure ya look at the Attebury fam and leave comments! That's the fun part about blogging, is seeing what everyone eles is saying- and blog surfing, i love it!
bye bye